How Hashtags Can Help Businesses

Hashtags are short links that are preceded by the pound sign (#) or what is now known as hash. The hashtag had its start on Twitter where it can turn a word or group of words into a searchable link. The # has since extended to other social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr and Pinterest. It helps to organize the content and track different discussion topics throughout social media.

By clicking on the tag, users can see all posts that have been made with that on the social media site they are using. allows users to search all tags throughout all social media sites.

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What Is a Hashtag?

Hashtags may have letters or numbers involved in them but there has to be no spaces between them and no punctuation in order to make it work. However, whether the letters in the tag are capitalized or not does not affect whether it shows up under the posts for that tag. New hashtags may be created whenever someone would like, all someone needs to do is add the hash before the word or phrase they want to make into a hashtag.

Users are allowed to use as many # in a post as they would like although it is recommended that people don’t go overboard. Sometimes hashtags are used to get involved in certain discussions, as jokes, or even just as side comments. Hashtags can be used seriously or not. It’s up to the user.

Using Hashtags:

  • The sign is # which was originally known as the pound sign
  • They are used as searchable links
  • The # started on Twitter
  • Can be used on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr, and Pinterest
  • They are used to organize content and track discussions
  • Clicking on them allows all posts with that tag to be seen
  • They may have letters or numbers
  • They may not have spaces or punctuation
  • Capitalization does not matter
  • New hashtags may be created any time by adding the hash before a word or phrase
  • Users may use as many as they like
  • It is best not to go overboard with them
  • They may be serious or not

Businesses with Twitter accounts can use them to help get people talking about their business. Some businesses use or make hashtags to promote specific events or campaigns. It’s helpful for businesses to find and connect to other businesses that are similar to them and see what they are using.

Create Your Own Hashtags

Businesses should try to and create their own hashtags to help them get involved in discussions. Businesses should also try to follow trends and make use of what’s relevant. Some businesses find it helpful to create contests, raffles or promotions in order to entice their followers to retweet their hashtags.

It’s important to know that tweets must be set to “public” in order for everyone to see the hashtags and tweets from a business. Hashtags generally work the best if they are simple, specific and have some kind of context.

Related Article: Using Hashtags for Your Business

Business Use Of Hashtags:

  • Help get people talking about the business
  • Use or make hashtags to promote specific events or campaigns
  • It’s helpful to find and connect to other businesses that are similar and see what they are using for hashtags
  • Create new hashtags
  • Follow trends and make use of what’s relevant
  • Create contests, raffles, or promotions
  • Tweets should be set to public in order for hashtags to be seen
  • Hashtags work best if they are specific, simple and put into context