Have You Used YouTube to Market Your Business?

YouTube is a great tool to market your business in this digital age. Adding videos on your business website increases its ranking by search engines, creates a dynamic web experience for your customers and gives authority to your brand. There are many reasons to market your business with YouTube.

There are more than one billion visits to YouTube each month and 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube each hour, according to Small Business Trends. YouTube, which is owned by Google, is the second largest search engine on the internet behind its parent company. With these types of statistics, you can see why YouTube is an effective way to market your business and keep your customers and potential customers informed and engaged with your brand.

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Creating Videos

You don’t need a Hollywood budget to create a video. You can do it yourself on a smartphone or have a digital marketing company create it. Videos should be short, about three to five minutes. Videos don’t have to always be a sales pitch. In addition to promoting a product, service or special, you can do a video pieces about your business. a customer tutorial, interviews and company announcements.

Here are several examples of videos to market your business with YouTube by Small Business BC:

  1. Promotional video

A great way to introduce your company and explain why people should do business with you is with a promotional video. Visitors to your website want to know how your business differs from similar companies. A short promo video can quickly explain what sets your business apart from the rest.

  1. Showcase Your Products and Services

Many successful businesses use video marketing as their primary strategy to introduce customers to their products and services. Explainer videos, webinars and video presentations are among the different ways to showcase what you offer to your target market. This is another reason to market your business with YouTube.

  1. Behind the Scenes

Why not give your current and potential customers a behind-the-scenes look at how your business runs its operations? Not only is this an effective way to build trust with those interested in your business, but, it’s also a great way to show how hard your company works for its customers. You could explain a little about yourself and why you started your company, introduce your staff, or even a have a “day at the office” type of video.

  1. Customer Testimonials

Another way to build trust and authority for your business is videos of customer testimonials, says Small Business BC. Showcasing positive recommendations and reviews from past customers is a proven factor for success. Testimonials show that a company has a positive track record.

  1. Creating Video Tutorials to Help Customers

Watching a video tutorial with instructions on how to set up or use a product is much more helpful than trying to understand a complicated user manual. Can your business make things easier with video tutorials? If so, YouTube is a great platform to provide customers with instructions as they can always forward, pause or reverse your video tutorials to follow instructions at their own pace.

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YouTube: A Great Marketing Tool

Small Business Trends calls YouTube one of the hidden gems in online marketing. Consider integrating YouTube into your business marketing plan.