Marketeering Blog

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Blog by the Metro Marketeers

how a business can use linkedin

How a Business Can Use LinkedIn

Marketeering BlogCreate a LinkedIn Page Linking LinkedIn to the Business Website Gaining Followers LinkedIn Groups Advertising through LinkedIn ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESCreate a LinkedIn Page Linking LinkedIn to the Business Website Gaining Followers...

B2B Marketing Strategies

B2B Marketing Strategies

Marketeering BlogWhat is a B2B Marketing Strategy? The B2B Focus Staying on Top of Trends How to Create a B2B Marketing Strategy Here are some of the top strategies for B2B businesses: How a B2B Marketing Strategy Works What is a Target Audience? How Do You Find...

Using colors in marketing

Using Colors in Marketing

Marketeering BlogAre you using colors in marketing? Using colors in marketing - Their respective thought associations: Using colors in marketing your business ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESAre you using colors in marketing? Using colors in marketing -...

Marketing technology

Using Technology for Marketing Your Business

Marketeering BlogAre You Taking Advantage of Marketing Technology? Marketing Technologies Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy Get Your Website Noticed Let Us Be Your Marketing Department ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESAre You Taking Advantage of...

how to respond to online reviews

How To Respond To Online Reviews

Marketeering BlogFour Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews Four Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews What is Lead Generation? ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESFour Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews Four Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews What...

Do you need an editorial calendar?

Do You Need an Editorial Calendar?

An editorial calendar is an essential tool to help market your business. It’s a central place to organize, track and plan your blog content, schedule postings on your website and manage your company’s online marketing program across all social media channels.

Anatomy of a Great Marketing Website

Anatomy of a Great Marketing Website

Marketeering BlogHow Does Your Website Rank? Website Technologies Driving Traffic Your Website Website Traffic Sources Website Components Website Pages Having a Functional Website Let Us Custom Design Your Website ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESHow Does...

Mapping Out The Customer Journey (1)

Mapping Out The Customer Journey

Marketeering BlogWhat is a Customer Journey Map? What is the Customer Journey? The Customer Journey Map and the Marketing Funnel What Are the Steps in Creating Customer Journey Maps? Mapping Out the Customer Journey Customer Journey Mapping Examples The Customer...

Market Your Business with YouTube

Market Your Business with YouTube

Have You Used YouTube to Market Your Business? YouTube is a great tool to market your business in this digital age. Adding videos on your business website increases its ranking by search engines, creates a dynamic web experience for your customers and gives...



Marketeering BlogDominate search results for your brand name and keywords High-quality backlinks to your website Trigger more brand searches Leverage high authority websites to increase your website ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESDominate search results for...

Creating effective online advertising

Creating Effective Online Advertising

Will online advertising work for your business? In this digital age, creating effective online advertising is essential for small businesses to find new customers and expand their reach. There are many online advertising options including paid social, pay-per-click...

Advertising on Facebook

Advertising on Facebook

Marketeering BlogFacebook Advertising How It Works Target Your Audience Facebook Pages Facebook Groups Creating a Facebook Ad Infographic : Facebook Ad Types Cheat Sheet ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESFacebook Advertising How It Works Target Your Audience...

Creating a Business Persona Featured Image

Creating a Business Persona

Marketeering BlogWhat is a Business Persona? Why You Need a Business Persona Understanding Your Business Persona Know Your Buyer Persona Your Brand Needs a Business Persona Keeping Your Business Persona Updated Let Us Help You Craft Your Business and Buyer Persona...

Lead Generation Strategies for Business

Marketeering BlogWhat is Lead Generation? Why Do I Need to Use Lead Generation? The Customer Journey Lead Generation Strategies Acquisition Nurturing Conversions You Need a Marketing Plan B2B Lead Generation Leave it to the Experts ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG...

Using hashtags for your business

Using Hashtags for Your Business

Marketeering BlogAre you using hashtags for your business? Why Use Hashtags? What are hashtags? Expand Your Reach ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESAre you using hashtags for your business? Why Use Hashtags? What are hashtags? Expand Your Reach ARTICLE...

Why Your Business Needs a Buyer Persona featured iimage

Why Your Business Needs a Buyer Persona

Marketeering BlogWhat is a Buyer Persona? Why Do I Need a Buyer Persona? Multiple Buyer Personas Buyer Persona Examples Create a Buyer Persona Buyer Persona Profiles Digital Dave Persona Profile Entrepreneur Emma Persona Profile The Four Types of Buyer Personas How...

Designing the Right Website for Your Business

Designing the Right Website for Your Business

Do you have the right website for your business?   As a small business, your website is the hub of all your digital marketing efforts. It is a lead generation tool. Designing the right website for your business is imperative to a successful marketing campaign....

Hashtags for business

Hashtags Can Help Businesses

How Hashtags Can Help Businesses Hashtags are short links that are preceded by the pound sign (#) or what is now known as hash. The hashtag had its start on Twitter where it can turn a word or group of words into a searchable link. The # has since extended to other...

Social Media Can Help Market Your Business

Social Media Can Help Market Your Business

Do you know how social media can help market your business?  In today’s digital world, social media is the way to market your small business. It is an inexpensive way to create an online brand identity and increase your business’s exposure. According to the Optus...


8 Tips For Creating Your Next Blog Article

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESDid you know consistently creating blog articles​ on your business website can generate leads and bring in more customers? It’s a must as part of today’s digital...

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