Marketeering Blog

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Blog by the Metro Marketeers

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Why Your Business Needs a Buyer Persona

Marketeering BlogWhat is a Buyer Persona? Why Do I Need a Buyer Persona? Multiple Buyer Personas Buyer Persona Examples Create a Buyer Persona Buyer Persona Profiles Digital Dave Persona Profile Entrepreneur Emma Persona Profile The Four Types of Buyer Personas How to Create a Buyer Persona Template Creating Your Marketing Strategy Let Metro Annex Help with Your Buyer Personas ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESWhat is a Buyer Persona? Why Do I Need a Buyer Persona? Multiple Buyer Personas...

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Why Your Business Needs a Marketing Funnel

Why Your Business Needs a Marketing Funnel

Marketeering BlogAre you generating leads predictably and consistently? Lead Generation How Does a Marketing Funnel Work? The marketing funnel is made up of six parts: Follow-up Tracking Leads Why Do I Need Marketing Funnel? Let the Professionals Help! ARTICLE...

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Email Marketing Best Practices

Email Marketing Best Practices

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESEmail Marketing Best Practices Infographic​ from Metro Annex Interactive Get the word out about your business with an Email Promotion. Service or product offers/discounts...

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Essential Elements Of A Landing Page

Essential Elements Of A Landing Page

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESEssential Elements of a Landing Page​ from Metro Annex Interactive A Landing Page is one of the most important pages on your business website. This is the place where you...

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Email Marketing For Small Businesses

Email Marketing For Small Businesses

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLES   Email Marketing Tips from Metro Annex Interactive Are you promoting your business with email marketing? Through email marketing, a business can send announcements on...

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8 Tips For Creating Your Next Blog Article

8 Tips For Creating Your Next Blog Article

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESDid you know consistently creating blog articles​ on your business website can generate leads and bring in more customers? It’s a must as part of today’s digital marketing....

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3 Search Engine Optimization Tips

3 Search Engine Optimization Tips

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLES 3 Search Engine Optimization Tips from Metro Annex Interactive Have you heard that improving your SEO will help you get found online more easily? This video offers 3 Search...

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Five Essential Digital Marketing Workflows

Five Essential Digital Marketing Workflows

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESSetting up a workflow for yourself and your team always takes a bit of upfront work. However, the time spent on creating a clear process, setting expectations, and...

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Business Phone Etiquette

Business Phone Etiquette

Marketeering BlogARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESWhen it comes to business, having a professional image in person and on the telephone is imperative. In many cases, the first contact a client or customer has with a...

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Advertising on Facebook

Advertising on Facebook

Marketeering BlogFacebook Advertising How It Works Target Your Audience Facebook Pages Facebook Groups Creating a Facebook Ad Infographic : Facebook Ad Types Cheat Sheet ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESFacebook Advertising How It Works Target Your Audience...

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How To Respond To Online Reviews

How To Respond To Online Reviews

Marketeering BlogFour Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews Four Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews What is Lead Generation? ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESFour Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews Four Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews What is...

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How a Business Can Use LinkedIn

How a Business Can Use LinkedIn

Marketeering BlogCreate a LinkedIn Page Linking LinkedIn to the Business Website Gaining Followers LinkedIn Groups Advertising through LinkedIn ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESCreate a LinkedIn Page Linking LinkedIn to the Business Website Gaining Followers...

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Using Hashtags for Your Business

Using Hashtags for Your Business

Marketeering BlogAre you using hashtags for your business? Why Use Hashtags? What are hashtags? Expand Your Reach ARTICLE RESOURCES RELATED BLOG ARTICLESAre you using hashtags for your business? Why Use Hashtags? What are hashtags? Expand Your Reach ARTICLE RESOURCES...

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